Yet another PropEr state machine tutorial
By Eirini Arvaniti and Kostis SagonasIn this tutorial, we will use PropEr to test a group of interacting processes. The system under test consists of one master and multiple slave processes. The main concept is that the master plays ping-pong (i.e. exchanges ping and pong messages) with all slave processes, which do not interact with each other. For the rest of this tutorial, we will refer to the slave processes as the ping-pong players.
The ping-pong master
The ping-pong master is implemented as an Erlang gen_server
. The internal
state of the server is a dictionary containing the scores (i.e. the number
of ping-pong message exchanges with the master) of all ping-pong players.
External clients can make the following requests:
- start and link to the ping-pong master
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MASTER}, ?MASTER, [], []).
init([]) ->
{ok, dict:new()}.
- stop the ping-pong master
stop() ->
gen_server:cast(?MASTER, stop).
handle_cast(stop, Dict) ->
{stop, normal, Dict}.
terminate(_Reason, Dict) ->
Players = dict:fetch_keys(Dict),
lists:foreach(fun (Name) -> exit(whereis(Name), kill) end, Players).
- add a new ping-pong player to interact with the master
add_player(Name) ->
gen_server:call(?MASTER, {add_player, Name}).
handle_call({add_player, Name}, _From, Dict) ->
case whereis(Name) of
undefined ->
Pid = spawn(fun () -> ping_pong_player(Name) end),
true = register(Name, Pid);
{reply, ok, dict:store(Name, 0, Dict)};
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
{reply, ok, Dict}
- remove a ping-pong player
remove_player(Name) ->
gen_server:call(?MASTER, {remove_player, Name}).
handle_call({remove_player, Name}, _From, Dict) ->
Pid = whereis(Name),
exit(Pid, kill),
{reply, {removed, Name}, dict:erase(Name, Dict)};
- send a ping message to the server
ping(FromName) ->
gen_server:call(?MASTER, {ping, FromName}).
handle_call({ping, FromName}, _From, Dict) ->
{reply, pong, dict:update_counter(FromName, 1, Dict)};
- get the score of a given player
get_score(Name) ->
gen_server:call(?MASTER, {get_score, Name}).
handle_call({get_score, Name}, _From, Dict) ->
Score = dict:fetch(Name, Dict),
{reply, Score, Dict}.
In order to test the stand-alone behaviour of the ping-pong master we can define an abstract state machine, as described in this tutorial about testing generic servers with PropEr. The state machine specification for the ping-pong master can be found here.
The ping-pong players
A ping-pong player is a process spawned and registered as Name
that executes
the following loop:
ping_pong_player(Name) ->
ping_pong ->
{tennis, From} ->
From ! maybe_later;
{football, From} ->
From ! no_way
When a player is asked by an external client to play ping-pong, she will send a
message to the ping-pong master. On the other hand, if asked to play
tennis or football, the player replies with a message expressing her dislike for
any sport other than ping-pong. The API for interacting with a ping-pong player
is the following:
play_ping_pong(Player) ->
Player ! ping_pong,
play_tennis(Player) ->
Player ! {tennis, self()},
Reply -> Reply
play_football(Player) ->
Player ! {football, self()},
Reply -> Reply
It’s ping-pong time!
It’s now time to test that the system behaves as expected when the ping-pong
players interact with the master. To this end, we will specify an abstract
state machine modeling the master’s internal state, just as we would do to
test the stand-alone behaviour of the master. We choose to base our
state machine specification on the master process because this is the main
component of the system under test. But now, instead of making ping/1
directly to the master, we will instruct the ping-pong players to do so by
performing the asynchronous play_ping_pong/1
call. Moreover, we will include
synchronous play_tennis/1
calls to the ping-pong players, to test that such
calls do not influence the players’ interaction with the master. In our case,
this is quite obvious. But when testing, for example, the interaction of
processes in a big supervision tree, we cannot be sure about the possible
side-effects of each operation.
On the other hand, it is important to keep the complexity of our model at a reasonable level. Otherwise, it’s quite probable to make errors in the state machine specification. For each different feature we would like to test, defining a simple state machine that concentrates on the operations related to that feature will usually reveal any inconsistencies between the model and the actual system behaviour. These inconsistencies will be reflected in the results of the selected API calls.
Below we give the abstract state machine that will be used to test the ping-pong system. As usual, it specifies:
- The initial state of the model:
-type name() :: atom().
-type score() :: non_neg_integer().
-record(state, {players = [] :: [name()],
scores = dict:new() :: dict:dict(name(), score())}).
initial_state() -> #state{}.
- The API calls that will be tested:
command(#state{players = []}) ->
command(S) ->
name() -> elements(?NAMES).
name(S) -> elements(S#state.players).
- State updates:
next_state(S, _V, {call,_,add_player,[Name]}) ->
case lists:member(Name, S#state.players) of
false ->
S#state{players = [Name|S#state.players],
scores = dict:store(Name, 0, S#state.scores)};
true ->
next_state(S, _V, {call,_,remove_player,[Name]}) ->
S#state{players = lists:delete(Name, S#state.players),
scores = dict:erase(Name, S#state.scores)};
next_state(S = #state{scores = Sc}, _V, {call,_,play_ping_pong,[Name]}) ->
S#state{scores = dict:update_counter(Name, 1, Sc)};
next_state(S, _, _) ->
- Preconditions that should always be respected (even while shrinking):
precondition(S, {call,_,remove_player,[Name]}) ->
lists:member(Name, S#state.players);
precondition(S, {call,_,get_score,[Name]}) ->
lists:member(Name, S#state.players);
precondition(S, {call,_,play_ping_pong,[Name]}) ->
lists:member(Name, S#state.players);
precondition(S, {call,_,play_tennis,[Name]}) ->
lists:member(Name, S#state.players);
precondition(_, _) ->
- And finally, postconditions about the results of the calls:
postcondition(_S, {call,_,add_player,[_Name]}, Result) ->
Result =:= ok;
postcondition(_S, {call,_,remove_player,[Name]}, Result) ->
Result =:= {removed, Name};
postcondition(S, {call,_,get_score,[Name]}, Result) ->
Result =:= dict:fetch(Name, S#state.scores);
postcondition(_S, {call,_,play_ping_pong,[_Name]}, Result) ->
Result =:= ok;
postcondition(_S, {call,_,play_tennis,[_Name]}, Result) ->
Result =:= maybe_later.
Having successfully tested the stand-alone behaviour of the master, we expect this property to pass the tests:
prop_ping_pong_works() ->
?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
{History,State,Result} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
?WHENFAIL(io:format("History: ~w~nState: ~w\nResult: ~w~n",
[History, State, Result]),
aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Result =:= ok))
5> proper:quickcheck(ping_pong_statem:prop_ping_pong_works()).
=ERROR REPORT==== 30-May-2011::01:50:11 ===
** Generic server ping_pong terminating
** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',stop}
** When Server state == <...internal representation of the state...>
** Reason for termination ==
** {badarg,[{erlang,exit,[undefined,kill]},
Failed: After 18 test(s).
History: [{{state,[],{dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
State: {state,[mary],{dict,1,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
Result: {postcondition,false}
Shrinking ...(3 time(s))
History: [{{state,[],{dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
State: {state,[mary],{dict,1,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],
Result: {postcondition,false}
…the property fails, along with error reports on the server crashing!
What is more, the History
and State
fields contain dictionaries which are
printed out based on their internal representation. We decide to deal with this
issue by including some pretty-printing functions in the property, so as to
output more informative debugging information.
pretty_history(History) ->
[{pretty_state(State),Result} || {State,Result} <- History].
pretty_state(#state{scores = Scores} = S) ->
S#state{scores = dict:to_list(Scores)}. %% temporarily breaks the opacity
prop_ping_pong_works() ->
?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
{History,State,Result} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
?WHENFAIL(io:format("History: ~w~nState: ~w\nRes: ~w~n",
[pretty_history(History), pretty_state(State), Result]),
aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Result =:= ok))
And run the test once more:
7> proper:quickcheck(ping_pong_statem:prop_ping_pong_works()).
=ERROR REPORT==== 30-May-2011::02:09:56 ===
** Generic server ping_pong terminating
** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',stop}
** When Server state == <...internal representation of the state...>
** Reason for termination ==
** {badarg,[{erlang,exit,[undefined,kill]},
=ERROR REPORT==== 30-May-2011::02:09:56 ===
<...similar error report...>
Failed: After 25 test(s).
History: [{{state,[],[]},ok},{{state,[alice],[{alice,0}]},ok},
State: {state,[mary],[{mary,1}]}
Result: {postcondition,false}
Shrinking ........(8 time(s))
History: [{{state,[],[]},ok},{{state,[mary],[{mary,0}]},ok},
State: {state,[mary],[{mary,1}]}
Result: {postcondition,false}
Of course the property still fails and new error reports are produced.
This happens because the asynchronous play_ping_pong/1
operation introduces
non-determinism in the order in which messages are received by the server. Here
we can see yet another benefit of property based testing: it helps to increase
our understanding about process interaction in the system under test.
Fixing the postcondition of get_score/1
so as to achieve deterministic
results is quite simple in this case:
postcondition(S, {call,_,get_score,[Name]}, Result) ->
Result =< proplists:get_value(Name, S#state.scores);
The error reports, however, are triggered by a not-so-evident bug in the code. They are occassionaly produced when stopping the server, because of an attempt to get and subsequently kill the pid associated with a name that is actually not present in the process registry. Let us re-examine the code that’s executed when stopping the server:
terminate(_Reason, Dict) ->
Players = dict:fetch_keys(Dict),
lists:foreach(fun (Name) -> exit(whereis(Name), kill) end, Players).
The exception raised suggests that there exist some names which are stored in
the server’s internal dictionary, but are not associated with any (process) pid.
But where do these names come from? To get the answer we have to take a look at
how ping
messages are handled by the server:
handle_call({ping, FromName}, _From, Dict) ->
{reply, pong, dict:update_counter(FromName, 1, Dict)};
This suggests that incoming ping
messages associated with names not present
in the server’s dictionary are actually inserted in the dictionary. When we
perform an asynchronous play_ping_pong/1
request to a player, there is a
chance that this player might be removed before her ping
message is received
by the master. In this case, when the master eventually receives the ping
message, the name of the removed player will be added to the dictionary,
despite not being associated with any process. Having spotted the bug, we
can easily fix it:
handle_call({ping, FromName}, _From, Dict) ->
case dict:is_key(FromName, Dict) of
true ->
{reply, pong, dict:update_counter(FromName, 1, Dict)};
false ->
{reply, {removed, FromName}, Dict}
And now the property successfully passes many tests:
11> proper:quickcheck(ping_pong_statem:prop_ping_pong_works(), 3000).
...........3000 dots.............
OK: Passed 3000 test(s).
34.16% {ping_pong,add_player,1}
16.61% {ping_pong,get_score,1}
16.59% {ping_pong,play_ping_pong,1}
16.45% {ping_pong,remove_player,1}
16.18% {ping_pong,play_tennis,1}
You can get the complete final code of this tutorial by clicking on the following links: master_statem ping_pong and ping_pong_statem.